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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

5 Things Writers Can Learn From The Olympics

Although I am not interested in sport like other people are, I did watch the Commonwealth Games when they were in Melbourne and I have watched the London Olympics when I've had chance. But one thing that always strikes me about events like these is how much strength, determination and willpower athletes have. The Olympic Games is a huge event and we, as a country, have been preparing to host it for years. The athletes who are lucky enough to be a part of such a fantastic event must surely be the best of the best.

So here is a list of five things that writers can do, like athletes must do, to achieve success.

  1. Practice every day. The athletes didn't suddenly wake up to find they could win gold without putting in the hard work that success requires. Although they may be blessed with a runner's body, they still have to train hard every day.
  2. Winning takes an extreme amount of focus. Training hard requires complete focus and the athletes are not easily distracted by other events. They have the discipline that it takes to excel over other competitors by continually pushing themselves forward.
  3. Be part of a team. Although writing is an individual career, writers need other professionals to help them succeed. Writers have what it takes to produce a quality piece of work but they cannot edit it without the help of a copyeditor.
  4. Everyone needs fans. All athletes and artists need fans to help support and encourage them when times are tough. The supporters give the athlete/writer something to focus on when they're preparing to run a race or write a book.
  5. Rise above jealousy. There will always be someone more successful than yourself. But it's important not to feel resentful over this person but instead to try and learn from their achievements. Jealousy is such a pointless emotion because there is nothing to be gained from it.


  1. Great way of putting it. There's much more to sport than sport, so to speak!

  2. Thanks Jo! That's what I think too. The Olympics are so inspiring I had just had to blog about them.

  3. Hi Laura, this is why I follow you on twitter, blog, linkedIn etc (seriously though, not stalking) it inspires me to see that many writers are prepared to do just about anything to help out a fellow writer, it's amazing to be (as you said) be part of a team. Love your work, keep it up and hopefully one day I'll be able to inspire others as you have. I'm slowly building a following for my book which is selling, ok, not great, but ok. The ball is rolling, I just need to give it push along. Focus and dedication to your craft is what I try to achieve. Love the way you linked this to the Olimpics, well done.

  4. You are on the money with this one! Those 5 things are excellent points, and I concur!

  5. Rick,

    Thanks so much for your amazing comment. I truly try and do my best to help fellow writers and it's wonderful to see it appreciated. Thank you so much!


    Thanks for your comment. I did have other points to mention but I decided those five were the best.
