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Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Lessons Learned From Writing 2 Books

This month marks the third year anniversary of me writing seriously. During that time I have produced two novels and written a steady plot line for book number three. I can't believe it has only been a short time frame as it feels like I've been writing books my entire life. But as I reflect over the years I ask myself what I have learnt from my writing journey.

Writing has been the steepest learning curve I have ever experienced. I haven't worked harder in my life. I spend a portion of each day working on something book related - that's seven days a week for 52 weeks in the year. I'm sure I must drive my other half crazy as my books are the only thing I can talk about with enthusiasm.

But spending time writing is the only thing that's going to make you a more successful writer. Reading the genre in which you wish to write helps a lot too. But if you're serious about treating writing as your desired or main career you have to make time for it every day. You have to understand that there are no set rules for writing fiction either. Sure there are various things that work and things that don't, but creatively speaking it doesn't matter where you outline your chapters in detail or just set off writing. Don't be fearful about experimenting. Try something new within each book.

One of the greatest things that helps me when I settle down to write is looking at ideas I've written in note form. Whenever I think of a potential storyline that could go into a book I always make sure I write it down. This way I have a map, some sort of idea where to go, before I set off on my journey. Writing the first chapter doesn't seem so overwhelming then. I also carry a thesaurus, making a conscious effort to expand my vocabulary.

So, what have you learned from your writing? Please share in the comment box below.


  1. I've learned that you must be happy with your own work. And that if you fight it, it means to step back and give it space. Don't force a plot-line or scene if it doesn't seem to be working. Step back, let it simmer and then try again. It's all about perspective. =D

  2. I have a problem of revising after finishing the work. After shifting to a new mood I find it silly to return to the previous mood.

  3. What have I learned - that if I don't love it, don't love what words do when we let them come out to play - then there's no point in any of it!

  4. Thanks very much to you all for commenting. You each share some very good points.

  5. I've learned that you've got to keep editing and editing even when your umpteenth draft looks perfect--it helps ease my mind knowing that I did the best editing job I could possibly do.

  6. Hi Test,

    Yes, editing is crucial. That's why I make sure I always have my books copy edited by a professional.
