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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I would like to thank Elisabeth Zguta for nominating my blog. You can view her website here:

I do try to keep my blog varied and my posts have generated a lot of discussions over the past two years. So I am honoured my blog has been nominated.

Now I've got to tell you seven things about myself and also nominate other bloggers/authors to do the same. All they need to do is to link back to me, choose their nominees and answer 7 things about themselves and post links to their nominees.

So the seven things about me are:
  1. I may only be 27 but I have seen most of the world and some countries that some people would never even dream of. I started my travels in Ireland before backpacking Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Mongolia, America and Canada. I have also travelled extensively through Europe to places like Austria, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, and Poland.
  2. I own two dogs as the result of being a huge dog lover. I have a Border Collie and a Pomeranian I adopted from a friend.
  3. My favourite music artists are Chris Martin, Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury as I love rock and indie music
  4. I have always written but have previously worked in a psychiatric setting which proved to be very colourful indeed.
  5. My favourite authors are Chris Manby and Sophie Kinsella.
  6. I love Indian and Nepalese food. My favourite cocktail is the Cosmopolitan.
  7. My favourite genre of film is comedy.
Now comes the list of bloggers who I nominate:

Anne R. Allen:

Ollin Morales:

Joanna Penn:

K.M. Weiland:

Joe Bunting:

Tony James Slater:

Dana Sitar:


  1. Hiya! Cheers for the nomination! :0)

  2. Thanks for the nomination, Laura :)

  3. You're all very welcome. Thank you for providing such fantastic blogs to read. I have gained so much knowledge and useful information from them.
