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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Writers: 5 Reasons Why Readers Are The Most Important People In The World.

As writers we all cherish our readers. But sometimes we actually forget their importance as we place things like marketing and networking ahead of them. Of course, these two points are crucial to any successful author but other than writing books for readers to buy in the first place, our pivotal aim should be to have as many happy readers as possible.

E.L. James is one of many writers who can testify this statement. Without positive word of mouth from her readers, her books may not have seen light of day. To writers, readers are the people who make the world go around.

Here are five points to keep in mind when you're writing a book and want to please the reader.

  1. Create real and interesting characters. Your characters don't have to be good all the time and it's crucial to have a villan - everyone likes a baddie - but they do have to have an element of realness about them. Readers want someone who they can imagine meeting in the street or walking past in the supermarket. They don't neccesarily have to identify with their situation but they do have to care what is about to happen to them next.
  2. Have a story that makes sense. Your characters may be the best in the world but if your overall story is more confusing than a maze, readers are unlikely to use all their energy trying to make sense of it. I know I certainly get bored when the plotline is too difficult and vague to follow.
  3. Too little action. Every book has to have an element of action and suspense to it, even if it's chick lit or fantasy. Don't be fooled into thinking that just because you're not writing thrillers, action or adventure, you can leave this vital point out.
  4. Keep the book as focused as you can make it. Readers want to find out what's going on as quickly as they can. If you bore them with la-de-da language and too much flowery description instead of tackling your themes and plotlines, and making the characters have one disaster after another, readers are going to wonder why they picked up the book in the first place.
  5. Have your masterpiece edited by a professional. No writer can skip this crucial part. Being self published doesn't make you immune from errors. If anything you're more likely to need the guidance of an editor.
Last week I received a brilliant and outstanding review for my second book, so I must be doing something right. You can read the review here:  and see why I was over the moon.


  1. This post is very on point. Thank you!

  2. You're welcome Vashti. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Laura, the review on Goodreads is far better, as Amazon can be more restrictive in many ways:

    Hope that this helps!

  4. LK as ever you are an inspiration and a great teacher, I must hold up my hand and say that often I used to write 'just for me', it has been a slow process but I now realise that I must write for 'them' as well. A thousand thanks my friend :o)

  5. Many, many thanks John. I have read it and I think it is wonderful. When I sign into Goodreads later on I'll make sure I 'like' the review.

    Thanks Peter for your kind words. Good luck with your writing.

  6. Great advice. I tweeted.

  7. Thanks so much Ellaquinnauthor :)
