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Saturday, 27 December 2014

2014: The Year I Finished My Fifth Book

As 2014 is drawing to a close, I'm celebrating with yet another goal of finishing my second chick lit book - my fifth book overall.

This year has been productive for me. I started my fourth book in January and released that in late May. Then I started Second Time Around in June and this past week has seen me complete the first draft. This time the book's plot-line is focused on romance and even though chick-lit can sometimes be predictable, I always try to finish my novels with a twist.

I think I'm going to take a well earned break until the new year before I make the necessary alterations and just generally tidy things up before I send the manuscript over to my editor. Right now, my brain is kind of frazzled and I definitely feel burned out so I think a rest is my best option. After all, I have written two full length novels this year so what normal person wouldn't feel worn out?

The plan for 2015 is to outline and write my sixth book. I haven't decided on the title for that yet but I know the genre is going to be chick-lit.

So, what are your plans for the coming year and have you achieved your goals for 2014? I vaguely remember this time last year saying that I wanted to write my fourth book - Confessions of a Webcam Model and plan out Second Time Around. But back then I didn't know whether I'd have enough time to actually write that book as well.


  1. LK, Congratulations on being so prolific. I write at a snail's pace. Question: Do you self-publish? If so, can you describe the experience? Any tips on successful self-publishing? Walter Stoffel email:

  2. Thanks John! It doesn't matter about your pace - so long as you write regularly and finish your projects then all is well. I do self-publish and it's an enormous amount of work.

    Successful self-publishing? Well, I don't make millions from my writing yet but so long as I keep producing my books and market them every so often then that's all I can do.

    Thanks for commenting.

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